NEW! There's a new edit up as June 17. Take a look. Can best-friends-forever really last forever? A tale of a forty-year friendship told through school notes, letters, and emails. Can be done with two to 10 female actors. Serio-comic. 75-85 minutes. No set, no memorization, few props. Read for free: Yours until Niagara Falls
Welcome to the plays of Claudia Haas. Thank-you for the visit! The plays have had over 1500 productions in every state in the USA as well as on six continents. I have a large body of work for teen performers. I skype and zoom for free. Message me so I can take a break from working.
My new plays can be read in their entirety on this site for free. Be kind. Read but don't produce without obtaining rights. Not that you would do that. New Play for Middle School Performers Fumble and the Fairies: Flexible cast of ten - easily expanded with extra bees and fairies. Lots of room for creative movement from hip hop to jumping rope. You decide. Winner of the "Best Adapted Children's Play" from Winneshiek Players in Canada. Based on the fable of the "Bee Who Would not Work," Fumble (the bee) is talked into being the dance partner of Flutterby (the Butterfly) and spends the summer dancing with the fairies. (Who wouldn't?) This is a problem when winter comes and Fumble has not made any honey... Read for free here: Fumble and the Fairies Not in Our Town (about the "Not in Our Town" movement to combat hate; now published by Pioneer Drama. A Day of Dreaming. Flexible cast of 8-17. Vignettes about dreams and finding love. Just published by Eldridge Publishing. Remembering Margot - Read entire play for free - updated 4/21/24 Minimum cast: 8 Maximum cast: 15+ In "The Diary of Anne Frank," Margot is little more than the "good little girl" background figure. New information shows a spirited young, athletic woman who had grand plans for her life and yes, like Anne, had a boyfriend. What is not well-known is that in Auschwitz, Margot was given a choice that would likely have saved her life. Remembering Margot is a reimagining of Margot's life that incorporates these new facts. Remembering Margot A one-act version is available. It uses 8 actors (6 female, 2 male), has an easy set up and is under 35 minutes. Remembering Margot One Act The United Plays of America - 51 Short Plays for the Drama Classroom The anthology is now available in two volumes sorted by region. Volume 1 contains plays set in the Northeast and the South. Volume 2 has plays set in the Midwest and the West. It now has its own page. Find more information on this classroom tool at this page: United Plays of America. Volume 1: Northeast and South. Plays from CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV. Cast: 4-62 actors, numerous combinations, many roles are non-gender specific. Subjects: Comedies, fantasies (talking crabs!), holidays, romantic comedies, history, food, rural, in the city, art, drama. Volume 2: Midwest and West. Plays from IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI, AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY Cast: 4-65 actors, numerous combinations, many roles are non-gender specific. Subjects: Comedies, fantasies (talking llamas!), romantic comedies, history, friendship, family, drama, art, food, holidays. Order one or both volumes today while they're free. For a free email copy, send a request through the Contact page and indicate which volume you want and if you want both. It's free (for now). Sign up for my free newsletter detailing what's new on the website. It's one page, no spam and comes out the first week of the month from August through May. You can sign up on the Contact page. More details on the Free Scenes for Teens page. Free Scenes for Teens: They are still going strong and I am adding to them. They are free to use in the classroom (and please and thank-you - only in the classroom). You must contact me with your name, school, city and state to get the rights. Ask to get on my mailing list for the once a month listing of "what's new" on the page. (It's only once a month and just during school year.) You can also find me on the New Play Exchange. All of the plays have full scripts for you to read. Like my page Claudia Haas, Playwright on Facebook and follow my latest news there. Scroll through and enjoy the site. |